old prose
hello, this is the prose that retrodictive's poem reminded me of, written in the angsty/emo days of 2004 (july 21st). is prose allowed? haha.

i wonder how many sighs & intimacies you shared with the cigarette when you locked lips with it.
i wonder how much loneliness (if it can be measured) & how much sadness (if it can be articulated) curled & dissipitated with the last ashes of the cigarette.
i wonder what could be so important to you that you're willing to give away that stick's worth of your clock's ticks.
and i wonder what's taking you so long to realise there's someone who's willing to be your cigarette.
to touch your lips gently.
to take with her the secrets within.
and make sure the secrets vanish,
the way the cigarettes took your worries to their death.
watch the way your burdens curl into wisps of smoke & float above,
i can be more.

i wonder how many sighs & intimacies you shared with the cigarette when you locked lips with it.
i wonder how much loneliness (if it can be measured) & how much sadness (if it can be articulated) curled & dissipitated with the last ashes of the cigarette.
i wonder what could be so important to you that you're willing to give away that stick's worth of your clock's ticks.
and i wonder what's taking you so long to realise there's someone who's willing to be your cigarette.
to touch your lips gently.
to take with her the secrets within.
and make sure the secrets vanish,
the way the cigarettes took your worries to their death.
watch the way your burdens curl into wisps of smoke & float above,
i can be more.
hahaha. umm, does the future of the renga depend on me? *chews on weeds*
great minds think alike!!!
think i've been influence by tv shows
u noe how couples after one night of passion, the guy always lights a cig?
that was why i wrote what i did...
hahaha. i'm still trying to get my ass to my desktop comp where photoshop is so i can make a decent layout. tagboard will come thereafter!
when men light their cigarettes after the night, it signifies the end of their intimacy. how cliched can men get.
bloody males!
oh yes they will get burnt one day.
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